Claudia, on the other hand, is a much more fierce individual, and y'all know how we feel about strong women around here. Finn also gets scared a LOT, which is good, cos some really freaky shizz goes down and it's comforting to know that I'm not the only one about to pee my pants. He's a dreamer, but he's also extremely practical, and he stands by his friends no matter what. This book expertly alternates between Finn and Claudia's storylines, and I'm happy to say that I enjoyed hanging out with both of them! In spite of his prison upbringing, Finn has a heart of gold, and there were so many times when I wanted to hug him (and then offer him a shower). In their search for the truth, both she and Finn plunge deeper into the dark unknown, and it's only a matter of time before Incarceron reveals itself to be far more than a simple prison. As Claudia nears the date of her dreaded marriage, she begins to unravel the mysteries behind Incarceron and the royal family with the aid of her Sapient tutor, Jared. Although it's equipped with incredible technology, society on the Outside faces its own prison- laws known as Protocol, which have effectively regressed the country back to the mid 1800s (or so). place is Claudia Arlex, who has been groomed since infancy by her father, the warden of Incarceron, to marry the prince of the kingdom and rule it as queen. When Finn suddenly comes into possession of a strange crystal key, he begins a quest, joined by Keiro and Gildas, to discover a way out of the prison and into the Outside. Gildas is haunted by the legend of Sapphique, the only man known to have ever escaped from Incarceron. Due to the strange visions that accompany his recurring seizures, Finn is dubbed the Starseer by Gildas, a member of a clan of scholars known as the Sapienti.

Finn survives solely based on his membership in a gang and his oath brotherhood (blood brothers, basically) with Keiro, a charming, power-hungry man with a penchant for deception.

With no clear memory of his origins, seventeen-year-old Finn has spent his entire life in the prison known as Incarceron, a wild, desolate place fraught with poverty and teeming with death. Seriously, stay with me, cos it's pretty dark and there's lots of rats. BOOK REPORT for Incarceron (Incarceron Book 1) by Catherine Fisherįasten yr seat belts, kids, cos things are about to get CRAZY UP IN HERE.