
Loving living party going
Loving living party going

loving living party going

The novel may not have aged particularly well, and seems these days to be widely misunderstood. Or that it’s long been deemed a gorgeous classic, a must-read for any fan of literature.

loving living party going

Never mind that the novel was written by a Russian-American master – if not the master – of the English language, where the true seduction happens between the lines. Still, Twitter ponders, who’d want to be caught dead reading Lolita? Quite the contrary, as it’s topped countless esteemed lists counting down the greatest novels of the century. That’s a reputation that’s weighed the novel down for many years – not that it hasn’t received acclaim. Which implies that if Lolita were to be one’s favourite novel, said individual condones pedophilia or predation of any kind. What books are automatic red flags for you with people? I’ll start: I once called off a date when a dude told me his fave book was Lolita.- Laura Relyea March 11, 2019

Loving living party going